Dr. Poulson is an associate producer and the Chief Community Engagement Officer bringing Addiction Unplugged into the communities while working on the strategic development of the A&E series. Her recent TEDx on how to give pain a REAL purpose was inspired by the Surgeon General’s call to action asking America for help with an “urgent health crisis” along with her desire to have open discussions to help remove stigmas around mental health. She has an Executive Leadership certificate from Cornell University, and is a nationally certified Professional Parent Trainer. As the founder of The Give Back Program she works with corporations to give back to nonprofits and communities. She teaches feminism at the University, continues to volunteer in the youth detention center and Utah State Prison and is an investor in CTI. Poulson has worked with schools as a k-12 comprehensive guidance counselor, served on the state PTA board as the Health Commissioner, and worked as a licensed mental health counselor in treatment centers specializing in addiction, and eating disorders treating thousands of girls, and their families.