Dr. Camille Collett was raised in Colorado and came to Utah to attend Westminster College in 1975. She attended the University of Utah Medical School from 1979-1983 and the Family Medicine Residency at Holy Cross Hospital in Salt Lake City from 1983-1986. She joined the faculty at the Department of Family & Preventive Medicine in 1986. In the1990s she developed a new Family Medicine Residency that is based at St. Mark’s Hospital. She sees patients and teaching Family Medicine Residents at St. Mark’s Family Medicine Residency. She completed her Masters of Public Health Program at Westminster College in May 2018. Her Master’s Thesis was on Barriers to Advance Care Planning in a Hospital Setting. She has made presentations to the public and professional on Living Wills, Advance, Directives and the POLST (Provider Order of Life-Sustaining Treatments). She is currently Co-Chair of the Utah POLST Registry so the form is available electronically in emergencies, and on the POLST.org National Planning Committee developing a Universal POLST form.